Boosting as a Species Distribution Model in R


Elke Windschitl


December 2, 2022


In this post, I attempt to reproduce work by Elith et al. 20081 to model species distribution of short-finned eel (Anguilla australis) using Boosted Regression Trees. This analysis was created for an assignment for EDS 232 Machine Learning in Environmental Science – a course in UCSB’s Master’s of Environmental Data Science curriculum taught by Mateo Robbins.

Boosting is a popular machine learning algorithm that builds models sequentially based on information learned from the previous model2. Here, decision trees will be built in sequence using extreme gradient boosting to classify presence or absence of short-finned eel in a given location associated with environmental parameters such as temperature, slope, rainy days, etc. Elith et al. used package gbm in R, whereas I use a Tidymodels approach in R.


Data labeled “” were retrieved from the supplemental information by Elith et al. 2008 and include the following variables:

Figure 1: Table 1. from Elith et al. 2008 displaying the variables included in the analysis.
# Load libraries

eel_data <- eel_data_raw %>%
  select(-Site) # remove site number from data frame
eel_data$Angaus <- as.factor(eel_data$Angaus) # set outcome variable as a factor

eel_data %>% slice_head(n = 5) %>% kable
Angaus SegSumT SegTSeas SegLowFlow DSDist DSMaxSlope USAvgT USRainDays USSlope USNative DSDam Method LocSed
0 16.0 -0.10 1.036 50.20 0.57 0.09 2.470 9.8 0.81 0 electric 4.8
1 18.7 1.51 1.003 132.53 1.15 0.20 1.153 8.3 0.34 0 electric 2.0
0 18.3 0.37 1.001 107.44 0.57 0.49 0.847 0.4 0.00 0 spo 1.0
0 16.7 -3.80 1.000 166.82 1.72 0.90 0.210 0.4 0.22 1 electric 4.0
1 17.2 0.33 1.005 3.95 1.15 -1.20 1.980 21.9 0.96 0 electric 4.7


Split and Resample

I split the data from above into a training and test set 70/30, stratified by outcome score. I used 10-fold CV to resample the training set, stratified by Angaus.

# Stratified sampling with the rsample package
set.seed(123) # Set a seed for reproducibility
split <- initial_split(data = eel_data, 
                       prop = .7, 
                       strata = "Angaus")

eel_train <- training(split) # Grab training data
eel_test  <- testing(split) # Grab test data

# Set up cross validation stratified on Angaus
cv_folds <- eel_train %>% 
  vfold_cv(v=10, strata = "Angaus")


I created a recipe to prepare the data for the XGBoost model. I was interested in predicting the binary outcome variable Angaus which indicates presence or absence of the eel species Anguilla australis.

# Set up a recipe
eel_rec <- recipe(Angaus ~ ., data = eel_train) %>% 
  step_dummy(all_nominal(), -all_outcomes(), one_hot = TRUE) %>% 
  prep(training = eel_train, retain = TRUE)

# Bake to check recipe
baked_eel <- bake(eel_rec, eel_train)

Tuning XGBoost

Tune Learning Rate

First I conducted tuning on just the learn_rate parameter.

eel_spec <- parsnip::boost_tree(mode = "classification",
                                engine = "xgboost",
                                trees = 1000,
                                learn_rate = tune())

I set up a grid to tune my model by using a range of learning rate parameter values.

# Set up tuning grid
eel_grid <- expand.grid(learn_rate = seq(0.0001, 0.5, length.out = 50))

# Set up workflow
wf_eel_tune <- workflow() %>% 
  add_recipe(eel_rec) %>% 

doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = 3)

# Tune
eel_rs <- tune_grid(
  resamples = cv_folds,
  grid = eel_grid
# Identify best values from the tuning process
eel_rs %>%
  tune::show_best(metric = "accuracy") %>%
  slice_head(n = 5) %>% 
  kable(caption = "Performance of the best models and the associated estimates for the learning rate parameter values.")
Performance of the best models and the associated estimates for the learning rate parameter values.
learn_rate .metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
0.0205041 accuracy binary 0.8327667 10 0.0108841 Preprocessor1_Model03
0.2041408 accuracy binary 0.8327248 10 0.0115023 Preprocessor1_Model21
0.3367673 accuracy binary 0.8312542 10 0.0095568 Preprocessor1_Model34
0.2755551 accuracy binary 0.8312347 10 0.0096176 Preprocessor1_Model28
0.0103020 accuracy binary 0.8298475 10 0.0094675 Preprocessor1_Model02
  # tab_df(title = "Table 2",
  #        digits = 4,
  #        footnote = "Performance of the best models and the associated estimates for the learning rate parameter values.",
  #        show.footnote = TRUE)

eel_best_learn <- eel_rs %>%

# eel_model <- eel_spec %>% 
#   finalize_model(eel_best_learn)

Tune Tree Parameters

I created a new specification where I set the learning rate and tune the tree parameters.

eel_spec2 <- parsnip::boost_tree(mode = "classification",
                                engine = "xgboost",
                                trees = 1000,
                                learn_rate = eel_best_learn$learn_rate,
                                min_n = tune(),
                                tree_depth = tune(),
                                loss_reduction = tune()

I set up a tuning grid using grid_max_entropy() to get a representative sampling of the parameter space.

# Define parameters to be tuned
eel_params <- dials::parameters(

# Set up grid
eel_grid2 <- dials::grid_max_entropy(eel_params, size = 50)

# Set up workflow
wf_eel_tune2 <- workflow() %>% 
  add_recipe(eel_rec) %>% 

doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = 3)

# Tune
eel_rs2 <- tune_grid(
  resamples = cv_folds,
  grid = eel_grid2
# Identify best values from the tuning process
eel_rs2 %>%
  tune::show_best(metric = "accuracy") %>% 
  slice_head(n = 5) %>% 
  kable(caption = "Performance of the best models and the associated estimates for the tree parameter values.")
Performance of the best models and the associated estimates for the tree parameter values.
min_n tree_depth loss_reduction .metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
5 10 0.0045022 accuracy binary 0.8499315 10 0.0143809 Preprocessor1_Model35
10 4 0.0001488 accuracy binary 0.8455026 10 0.0114082 Preprocessor1_Model18
5 13 1.4059617 accuracy binary 0.8441143 10 0.0116907 Preprocessor1_Model11
6 12 0.0000219 accuracy binary 0.8385017 10 0.0136802 Preprocessor1_Model14
12 14 0.0000002 accuracy binary 0.8369507 10 0.0106411 Preprocessor1_Model22
  # tab_df(title = "Table 3",
  #        digits = 4,
  #        footnote = "Performance of the best models and the associated estimates for the tree parameter values.",
  #        show.footnote = TRUE)

eel_best_trees <- eel_rs2 %>%

# eel_model2 <- eel_spec2 %>% 
#   finalize_model(eel_best_trees)

Tune Stochastic Parameters

I created another new specification where I set the learning rate and tree parameters and tune the stochastic parameters.

eel_spec3 <- parsnip::boost_tree(mode = "classification",
                                engine = "xgboost",
                                trees = 1000,
                                learn_rate = eel_best_learn$learn_rate,
                                min_n = eel_best_trees$min_n,
                                tree_depth = eel_best_trees$tree_depth,
                                mtry = tune(),                   
                                loss_reduction = eel_best_trees$loss_reduction,
                                sample_size = tune(),
                                stop_iter = tune()

I set up a tuning grid using grid_max_entropy() again.

# Define parameters to be tuned
eel_params2 <- dials::parameters(
  sample_size = sample_prop(c(.4, .9)),

# Set up grid
eel_grid3 <- dials::grid_max_entropy(eel_params2, size = 50)

# Set up workflow
wf_eel_tune3 <- workflow() %>% 
  add_recipe(eel_rec) %>% 

doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = 3)

# Tune
eel_rs3 <- tune_grid(
  resamples = cv_folds,
  grid = eel_grid3
# Identify best values from the tuning process
eel_rs3 %>%
  tune::show_best(metric = "accuracy") %>%
  slice_head(n = 5) %>% 
  kable(caption = "Performance of the best models and the associated estimates for the stochastic parameter values.")
Performance of the best models and the associated estimates for the stochastic parameter values.
mtry sample_size stop_iter .metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
9 0.6101083 17 accuracy binary 0.8398688 10 0.0095528 Preprocessor1_Model42
7 0.6760456 11 accuracy binary 0.8398285 10 0.0101101 Preprocessor1_Model29
14 0.4702631 19 accuracy binary 0.8384603 10 0.0104765 Preprocessor1_Model44
4 0.4148151 3 accuracy binary 0.8384597 10 0.0112940 Preprocessor1_Model04
11 0.8900167 14 accuracy binary 0.8384402 10 0.0103511 Preprocessor1_Model16
  # tab_df(title = "Table 4",
  #        digits = 4,
  #        footnote = "Performance of the best models and the associated estimates for the stochastic parameter values.",
  #        show.footnote = TRUE)

eel_best_stoch <- eel_rs3 %>%

eel_model3 <- eel_spec3 %>% 

Finalize workflow

I assembled my final workflow with all of my optimized parameters and did a final fit.

eel_final_spec <- parsnip::boost_tree(mode = "classification",
                                engine = "xgboost",
                                trees = 1000,
                                learn_rate = eel_best_learn$learn_rate,
                                min_n = eel_best_trees$min_n,
                                tree_depth = eel_best_trees$tree_depth,
                                mtry = eel_best_stoch$mtry,                   
                                loss_reduction = eel_best_trees$loss_reduction,
                                stop_iter = eel_best_stoch$stop_iter,
                                sample_size = eel_best_stoch$sample_size

# Set up workflow
wf_eel_final <- workflow() %>% 
  add_recipe(eel_rec) %>% 

final_simple_fit <- wf_eel_final %>% # fit to just training data (need for later)
  fit(data = eel_train)

final_eel_fit <- last_fit(eel_final_spec, Angaus~., split) # does training fit then final prediction as well

# Show predictions
final_pred_tab <-$.predictions)
head(final_pred_tab) %>% 
  kable(caption = "Predictions of Angaus presence on test data.")
Predictions of Angaus presence on test data.
.pred_0 .pred_1 .row .pred_class Angaus .config
0.9937342 0.0062658 1 0 0 Preprocessor1_Model1
0.1122560 0.8877440 2 1 1 Preprocessor1_Model1
0.7499388 0.2500612 3 0 0 Preprocessor1_Model1
0.6484206 0.3515794 4 0 0 Preprocessor1_Model1
0.9473680 0.0526320 9 0 0 Preprocessor1_Model1
0.4369654 0.5630346 10 1 1 Preprocessor1_Model1
final_met_tab <- final_eel_fit$.metrics # Store metrics
head(final_met_tab) %>% 
  kable(caption = "Accuracy and area under ther receiver operator curve of the final fit.")
Accuracy and area under ther receiver operator curve of the final fit.
.metric .estimator .estimate .config
accuracy binary 0.8305648 Preprocessor1_Model1
roc_auc binary 0.8209016 Preprocessor1_Model1
# Bind predictions and original data
eel_test_rs <- cbind(eel_test, final_eel_fit$.predictions)
eel_test_rs <- eel_test_rs[,-1] # Remove duplicate column

# Compute a confusion matrix
cm<- eel_test_rs %>% yardstick::conf_mat(truth = Angaus, estimate = .pred_class) 

autoplot(cm, type = "heatmap") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#F8F8F8"),
        plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#F8F8F8")) +
  labs(title = "Figure 2: Confusion matrix of predictions on test data.")

tibble <- final_eel_fit %>% collect_metrics()

final_eel_accuracy <- tibble %>%
  filter(.metric == "accuracy") %>%

final_eel_auc <- tibble %>%
  filter(.metric == "roc_auc") %>%
The model had an accuracy of 0.83. The ROC area under the curve was 0.82. The rate of false negatives was 0.12, and the rate of false positives was 0.05.

The model had an accuracy of 0.83. The ROC area under the curve was 0.82. The rate of false negatives was 0.12, and the rate of false positives was 0.05.


I then fit my final model to the evaluation data set labeled “” and compare performances.

# Read in eval data
eval_dat <- eval_dat_raw %>% 
  rename(Angaus = Angaus_obs) %>% # rename to match previous data
  mutate(Angaus = as_factor(Angaus)) # make outcome a factor

prediction <- final_simple_fit %>% predict(new_data = eval_dat) # generate predictions
eval_dat_pred <- cbind(eval_dat, prediction)

# Compare predicted classes to actual classes
correct_predictions <- sum(eval_dat_pred$.pred_class == eval_dat_pred$Angaus)

# Calculate accuracy
accuracy <- correct_predictions / nrow(eval_dat_pred)

# Calculate auc
eval_dat_pred$pred_num <- as.numeric(eval_dat_pred$.pred_class)
auc <- auc(eval_dat_pred$Angaus, eval_dat_pred$pred_num)

How did my model perform on this data?

The model had an accuracy of 0.832on these data, which isn’t quite as good as the accuracy when applying the model to the testing data. However the difference is not too extreme and seems pretty good given that the dummy classifier would be 0.744. The model had an AUC of 0.7 which is not great.

How did my results compare to those of Elith et al.?

The model here does not do as well as the model in Elith et al. which found a model AUC of 0.858. My AUC of 0.7 is disappointingly far off. This could be because the data have imbalanced classes. Elith et al. did more tuning to find the optimal values and used larger ranges of trees, where as I was more limited by computing power on my laptop. They also could have tuned the threshold for classification, which I did not do here. I also used a Tidymodels approach, where as it is possible that the gbm package offers more power or flexibility when tuning.


1Elith, J., Leathwick, J.R. and Hastie, T. (2008), A working guide to boosted regression trees. Journal of Animal Ecology, 77: 802-813.

2Boehmke, Bradley, and Brandon Greenwell. “Chapter 12 Gradient Boosting.” Hands-On Machine Learning with R, 2020, Accessed 3 Oct. 2023.